Monday, August 31, 2009

My Friend went to Thailand....

Dear Friends:

Here's some news that I'm sure will get your blood pressure up -- I know mine is. There is a T-shirt available for purchase on The Onion website featuring the slogan, "My Friend Went to Thailand and All I Got Was This Lousy Prostitute." However, if you look at the image of the T-shirt online, it actually reads, "My Friend Went to Thailand and All I Got Was This Lousy Kidnapped Prostitute." Either way such a message is utterly appalling. It's hard to believe it, but there are actually people out there who not only dreamed up the T-shirt slogan, but also thought it would be a good idea to make money on such T-shirts.

Wow, it's not bad enough that millions of women and girls are sexually trafficked, rape, subjected to all kinds of physical and verbal abuse, afflicted by a host of diseases, even murdered, or tossed aside to fend for themselves when they are no longer "marketable"; now some jerks have to make jokes about it! These people actually have the nerve to mock the abuse and exploitation of women and children.

Just so you know, I've already called the store and confirmed that the shirt if for real, and that is for sale. Interestingly, I was not allowed to speak to a manager. Evidently the store has already received some complaints, but I think they need a few thousand more.

So, won't you please take a few moments and call 1-800-280-1791 to voice your objections? This type of callousness and outright mockery of exploitation cannot go unanswered. Please forward this email on to your friends and family. We need as many people calling as possible. Let's make this the last time The Onion ever sells a shirt like this.


My Friend Went to Thailand and All I Got Was This Lousy Prostitute – Tshirt at the Onion store

Customer Service

For all other Onion Store matters and order inquiries, please submit the brief customer support form below for an efficient response, or call 1-800-280-1791 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (CST), Monday–Friday. It’s an email form you fill out on the store site...

From the website:

Public Relations:

Anna G. Richardson
Sunshine, Sachs & Associates
149 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, NYC, 10010
O: 212.691.2800, C: 917.553.5916

Washington DC
The Onion
c/o Godfrey & Kahn
500 New Jersey #375
Washington DC 20001
Fax 202-628-0405

Twin Cities

212 3rd Avenue North, #445
Minneapolis, MN 55401
612-370-1372 Fax 612-333-0444

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