Thursday, October 8, 2009

October is Fair Trade Month

Dear Friends:

Two billion people—a third of humanity—still survive on less than $2 a day. In addition to the challenges of global food shortages, economic shifts, and political instability, unfair trade rules keep many of these people in poverty.

Fair Trade is a people's movement for change that aims to tip the balance of trade in favor of poor producers. Buying Fair Trade goods (like tea, coffee, and chocolate) is an important action that we can all take that helps create economic stability and directly combats one the major factors contributing to human trafficking -- poverty.

So, get involved. Look for Fair Trade goods at your local grocery store, give them as gift to friends and family, and go to the Fair Trade Month website to learn more.



Every October, TransFair USA engages licensees, retailers, activist partners, consumers and the media in a month-long campaign to promote awareness and sales of Fair Trade Certified products.

This year’s theme, 31 Days 31 Ways, offers opportunities to make every day a Fair Trade day throughout the month of October. Each day you can learn a new fact about Fair Trade and an easy way to support the movement. These small acts can make a big difference in the lives of small farmers around the developing world, who often struggle to make a profit in the global economy.

We want to hear how you're making Fair Trade a part of your life. Follow along with the campaign each day on Facebook and Twitter for a new way to support Fair Trade and then share your progress by tweeting and commenting throughout the month as you take 31 steps towards creating happier people and a healthier planet.

Help us reach our goal of 31,000 Facebook fans and 3100 Twitter followers by October 31st by adding our Fair Trade Month banners and interactive widget to your blog, website or Facebook page, then forward the links to all of your friends and networks!

Make sure that all of your friends and family members know that it’s Fair Trade Month:

October 1:
1. Post "Happy Fair Trade Month! Learn more at" in your Twitter status or Facebook status
Extra Credit:
Become a fan of Fair Trade Certified on FacebookFollow @FairTradeUSA on Twitter

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